Jesus grew "in wisdom and stature, and in
favour with God and man.” Luke 2:52
The next book in the Mighty Change Family is for all you goal-getters out there! Meet GROW – A Goal Journal for the small in stature and mighty in heart. This journal was designed with your child’s JOY and personal GROWTH in mind.
GROW pairs perfectly with the Children's Personal Development Program from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dividing discipleship into four key areas: Spiritual, Social, Physical, and Intellectual.
This colorful, kid-friendly journal breaks down the basics of goal-setting—using the tried and true practice of S.M.A.R.T. Goals—to teach children 6+ how to set and achieve realistic goals.
Want to know what your child will find inside? We're so glad you asked!
- a place to tape photos or draw pictures
- space for your child to journal his or her experience
- colorful stickers to celebrate reaching a goal
- suggestions for planning and executing goals
- helpful tips for encouraging a growth mindset
- daily habits tracker for optimal growth and success
Through the practice of setting goals, your child can make steady steps along the covenant path, as they too grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” And, of course, have fun along the way!
- 8x10, wire-o binding
- 74 pages, full color
- uncoated inside paper